First and foremost the hotel I am staying in is a 4 star but its comparable to most five star hotels I have stayed in. The extras you get like for example the functional toilet seat is a must to try if you ever come to Jing Jiang Tower. Check this out, it comes with seat heater, blow dryer, deodoriser, male and female directional water jets with controls for temperature and pressure for every function. This my friends is a five star toilet seat.

Apart from the toilets we managed to squeeze half an hour in the Thai Kang Street before our meeting. This is the equivalent to Covent Garden of Shanghai. Arty and retro cool cafes and shops lurking in the every corner of the mazey streets. Had coffee here with Helen of OCRA, Suriati and Yazeed of BIFC. This cafe had a Hot chocolate that came in a soup size cup. They might as well called thsi the hot chocolate soup.

Caught ten guys trying to tip this pagoda upright onto the first floor of a Thai restaurant in Sin Tien Ti.

Hope to see more tomorrow.